Matt Roberts On J&C, S3 Getting Closer, Sam Twitter Q&A Highlights, Congrats to Diana…

Photo by Matt Roberts

Matt Roberts was on Twitter reminiscing about Jamie and Claire’s climb to the stones, seen by viewers one year ago, on July 9th, 2016. He’s really looking forward to fans seeing The Print Shop reunion, and when a fan (who is one of my loyal Patrons by the way, with a spectacular name ?) said she is looking forward to the Print Shop scene even more than she’d anticipated the wedding, Matt agreed with her, adding: “To me what makes J&C special is their marriage — not just a wedding….”  Diana chimed in and said, “Oo, I think he’s got it! ?❤️ ?” These are all very good signs if you ask me!



Congrats to Diana, for hitting the #1 position for her new collection of novellas: Seven Stones To Stand Or Fall on Canadian The Globe and Mail BestSellers list. A quick peek tells me she’s at number 5 on The NYT Best Sellers list as of July 10th…

She was congratulated by Sam…

Diana replied with a reference to “Virgins,” which is a novella in the collection. “Virgins” is about 19-year-old Jamie and Ian…

and it’s Sam…

and Cree…

And Caitriona…


Sam graciously did a Q&A from Hungary, where he’s shooting a new action comedy: “The Spy Who Dumped Me,” in which he apparently speaks with a Hungarian accent. That should be interesting, In case you’re wondering what that sounds like (as I was) you can listen HERE.

The headmaster of my high school was Hungarian, so the accent should be familiar to me, but his voice was a little different. During his escape from communist Hungary as a child, his mother had been forced to perform an emergency tracheotomy with a kitchen knife. He used to pull the student body in once a year so we could hear his amazing story.

I digress… 

Onto Sam’s Q&A highlights – thanks to Joanne for asking…

Again, Sam confirms that S4 filming will start in the fall…

It’s been confirmed that Sam, Cait, Tobias, Sophie, Rik Rankin, Ron, Maril, and Diana will all be at San Diego Comic Con this year. Apparently Steven Cree couldn’t make it due to a scheduling conflict…?

Patrice Bernard asked if Sam is ready for the heat in Southern California, and Gaelic consultant Àdhamh Ò Broin chimed in to warn Sam that she’s a pool shark. (Sounds like he found out the hard way… )

Clearly, absence makes the heart grow fonder…

S3 questions about Jamie, seasickness, and a comment from the actor who played… er… Jamie’s barf bucket? ?

? ? ? Whaaaat? What does that mean? We want Jamie to be Jamie!!!

On hanging around in South Africa to see the sites…

Some personal questions, like if he cut his hair and what he’s drinking during the Q&A + his new movie…

A few more personal q’s…

Sam’s a Trekkie…

Mexican food and MPC…

(hmmm, where can I find a clip of this?)

On the success of MPC…

Well, if he’s dancing, that must mean he’s going. Great news for MPC’ers headed to Scotland…

To be or not to be…? yes

Sam later provided evidence…

He’s already done one, called The Fiery Trial, very nice.

Some Season 1 q’s…

Awww, he’s so gracious

I’d love to see these! (I’m sure I’m not alone)

The end. Thank you Sam! 

One comment on “Matt Roberts On J&C, S3 Getting Closer, Sam Twitter Q&A Highlights, Congrats to Diana…

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