Taking A Walk Today…

Hi All,

This is not Outlander related (although I do have on my Scotland hat, and I do drive a Highlander!). Some of you, particularly those who live in cities, have expressed that you feel very shut in right now, understandably. I’m sharing my morning walk with you, to provide some nature and some calm, if you might need that. 

After my walk, I made brunch for my family and am now editing our Episode 505 discussion.

I’m sending my best wishes to you and your family, wherever you are in the world. Take good care.

This too shall pass, 😘




20 comments on “Taking A Walk Today…

  1. Thanks Courtney! I’m looking forward to this weeks convo with you four ladies! We could all use your humor and insight.

    Happy editing! Happy walking!

  2. Hi Courtney,

    You live in Colorado? It looks so peaceful where you were walking. Please look closely at your dog’s paw, she or he might have a stone stuck between her or his nails.

    Anyway, stay safe.

    Thank you.


    • Hi Astrid, Yes, I do live in CO. It is peaceful there. I have looked and felt and can’t find anything yet. Maybe a bone bruise? I’ll keep an eye on her, don’t worry! xo

  3. Thanks so much for taking the time to give us this little bit of sunshine amid so much gloom. Really looking forward to the lively discussion this one must have caused.

  4. What a nice offering, thanks! I have also been hearing from people who feel low, and are struggling. Practicing “social distancing” leaves me feeling helpless to do more, but over this past weekend I sent out emails with this message and attached some beautiful photos of flowers I have. Wish I could somehow share them with you, but the message was:
    “We all need a little extra calm and serenity in the world right now. A few flowers for you to kick off the weekend and enjoy some quiet time.” I’m told it brought a smile to many and my wish is the same to all of you… 🌼🌷🌸🏵🌹🌻

    We are, indeed, all in this together.

  5. Even though we have been ordered to shelter in place, that doesn’t mean we can’t get out and walk with our dogs as long as we keep a safe distance from others. We live on the northern coast of California in Fort Bragg and we walk daily on the coastal trails overlooking the Pacific. Yesterday we saw a V line of flying Canada geese about 150 of them chattering away as they flew. They are the most chatty birds! Today we saw lots of spouting whales. Just feels good to get out in the fresh air and get some exercise doesn’t it? On windy days we love to watch the ravens and sea gulls playing in the currents of the wind. They all seem happy and frolic in the sky.

    Enjoyed your walk with your dog today! Looking forward to your 505 blog!

  6. Thanks for the video. Very beautiful. Mocha reminds me of my Lab mix, Louie. They look a lot alike. He loved the water, too. I was often a moist owner after our walks.

  7. Thanks, Courtney, how kind of you. Yes, we will get through this. It’s heartening to see the generosity and ingenuity that comes out of trying times. Best to you and yours. Can’t wait to see the next discussion!

  8. This is beautiful and refreshing. So nice to year your voice and watch Mocha enjoy nature, especially when he stops to take in the vistas 😊I’m inspired to go for a walk tomorrow. I’ve not really been out in some time. Thanks so much for spreading your get some fresh air and exercise germs. As well as random hellos with neighbors, at safe distances. 🤗❤️🦋🍀🐾🎶

  9. Thank you! You are kind to think of us. Hopefully all of you are using caution and being safe. Here in Coastal Alabama, we are being very cautious! Thank you for all you do!

    • Now we can go out more. It’s busier here, much busier, especially over this Memorial Day weekend. Makes me a little nervous for the corona numbers in the coming weeks. How bout where you are? xo

  10. Loved your video. Really picked my spirits up. A beautiful Spring day to go for a walk. We still have ice and snow here, but inspite of the cold March winds many folks are out walking their dogs anyway (I live in Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba, Canada). Even with this virus, a person still has to get outside but not in groups. So, again, thank you for sharing your video.

  11. Thank you Courtney – just lovely. Miss all that Colorado Blue sky. Spent 9 years of my career in the Front Range. Think the birds you heard are in the killdeer family. Wish my pup could stroll this..her bad hips keep her at about a mileRT and I tend to go for 3-5 in our Washington State forests. Really appreciate your blog Nd this little gift for a video.

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