What Are Your Top 10 Jamie and Claire Moments?

W Network does such a great job – they’ve put together a compilation of their top 10 Jamie and Claire moments. It’s so hard to pick only 10! Many of these, if not all, are on my list, how about you? Not wanting to stick to just 10, I’ve added more of my faves below, chime in about yours! 















If you haven’t yet, be sure and catch my latest piece, an apologia about Herself and why Bees is taking a wee while. Go to Featured Favorites to catch up on all my Season 6 posts, and for the featured posts of the moment, about Diana G. 

Have a wonderful Sunday evening, or Monday morning, or best wishes for a lovely morning, day, or night, depending on where in the worrrrreld you are. xo

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13 comments on “What Are Your Top 10 Jamie and Claire Moments?

  1. These scenes are all great, all of them are favourites of mine too! I also really enjoy the small moments between Jamie abs Claire. They don’t have to be having sex, but just connecting to each other when they have quiet time together! They are true soulmates!

  2. Agree with all that is on your list..for me one of my top favourites is the ‘Shaving’ scene from season 3 episode 13….. love the dialogue, the humour..’ squeaking noises ‘ as well as the best kiss since the wedding!

  3. In the Potatoes scene at Lallybroch, Jamie tells Claire “then we shall have a feast” and they share a look and a kiss that is so profound.

    Waiting in line to meet the governor in Jamaica. Again, just a look, but it’s HOT!

  4. Well, between W network and your Gifs, you have hit me in all the feels today! Thank you!!! Cant wait to see these two on our screens again making new memories!

  5. Of course all of the above and those mentions in the comment section. How about when Jamie wants to sleep outside Claire’s room to protect her from the men downstairs. The attraction between them in the brief moment when passing the blanket……

  6. So Courtney, I think I’ve gone a wee bit too far this time! Last Saturday night an abandoned home two doors up from us went up in flames, probably because some homeless lit a fire to stay warm. It happened at 4:00 am and we awoke to pounding on our door. It was our upstairs tenant who happened to be awake and she heard popping and crackling and looked out the window to see the glow of a blaze. So she called 911 and then came downstairs to wake us up and then went next door to the apartment house between us and the fire to wake up all the tenants there. My husband George screamed at me to gather some important things like medication, etc. So still being in a sleep stupor I grabbed my Wizard World bag and added my pictures of me with Sam, a beautiful beaded top I’ve always loved, and my medications. You know, all the things one cannot live without, right? When it was clear that the fire department had control of the situation, I came back into the house and put all the things in the bag back because I didn’t want George to see what my first instincts were! ha ha I actually did think about stuffing my kilt that Sam signed in the bag, but George was screaming for me to get out of the house. We both talked about it later how ill prepared we were and that maybe we should put important things in a place easily grabbed in an emergency. I didn’t tell him what things I deemed important at the time because I love my husband, but seem to have an odd way of showing it! What has Sam done to us all????? Suzie xoxo

  7. I like all of these. Another great one from the show is when Jamie gives Claire her new wedding ring which was made by Murtagh. Basia mille. One, two, three……that scene was great!! So playful and hot at the same time.

  8. I love all the ones mentioned here and in the W Network video. My new favourite is the scene between Claire and Jamie, in the Finale of season 5. Claire tells Jamie, she loves him. Jamie reaches out and holds Claire hands. Then, Jamie says my all time favourite line: When the day shall come, that we do part, if my last words are not ‘I love you, ye’ll ken it was because I didna have time.” Sigh! Jamie and Claire true soul mates.

  9. My favourite scene is still the marriage discussion when Jamie confesses he’s still a virgin. Touching and hilarious.

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