Speaking Up…

****SPOILER ALERT  This post is political in nature, and one I felt compelled to share. Please skip this one & come back for the next one if this is your Outlander safe haven. Thank you, I value you!****

I realize this is my platform for Outlander, and I keep that as my central focus when writing, interviewing, discussing, etc. After the last presidential election I felt compelled to write a piece; some who follow this blog and voted for our current prez were unhappy about that. I care about you, and I respect your freedoms.

I have followed my gut from day 1 with this site, and I will continue to do that. 

The stakes are much higher now, and I am posting this beautiful video about love, our highest aspiration imo, and it is in support of Biden/Harris. There’s your warning. If you need to unfollow, do that, but know you are welcome back anytime. 

And to relate this to Outlander, ask yourself this…for whom do you honestly think Jamie and Claire would vote…? There’s no question in my mind. Jamie would run Donald Sandringham Trump through first chance he got. 

Vote. Stay safe. Let love prevail. xo

89 comments on “Speaking Up…

  1. Well, I don’t agree. I think Jaimie would be the first one to sign up for Trump. He would see through Biden’s double talk immediately.

  2. I completely agree with you and Appreciate your strength to speak honestly. The vision of our foremothers was for a land of justice and equality .

  3. Thank you, Courtney. We all want to remain apolitical unless the stakes are just too high – and they are now. I stayed silent until I saw this quote. According to Ellie Wiesel, ““I swore never to be silent whenever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere. When human lies are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Whenever men and women are prosecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must–at that moment–become the center of the universe…to remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all…” Thank you for all you do for Outlander fans and for this.

  4. I am saddened to see this. I have many Outlander friends with diverse political views. I truly wish Outlander BTS had remained non political. I respect your right to make it political even if I do not agree. I do have to take issue with assuming what Jamie or Claire would have done. I could debate the issue with confidence. but I wouldn’t because I don’t want to politicise them.

      • Probably but I think I’ll pass. I just want to enjoy Outlander and the things we have in common. And I would prefer not to assume someone else’s motives or thoughts based on their political stance or vice versa.. I have plenty of wonderful friends who hold disparate political views from mine and I know that they are not evil just because they believe differently from me, even if we don’t discuss those views. I pray for peace in this nation whatever the outcome of this election.

      • Exactly! When we know the times they lived in and what they fought for, I can’t imagine them thinking of a future as divisive as we now have.
        As a point of discussion, I believe Jamie would react. Just as Jill said.. for Freedom and Justice. After all, wasn’t that the point of the American Revolution? Shouldn’t we all want the same for every American? Shouldn’t we want that for anyone as the poem by Emma Lazarus, The New Colossus, speaking of the Statue of Liberty says? If you can’t agree with that, you are not looking to the future generations. We can not go backwards and survive. We must stand up and save our country or stand by and watch it’s destruction. I have many Outlander friends in other countries that are very concerned about the direction our country has taken. We are one nation amongst many and that has always been our strength, until recently. You haven’t made these times political, our leaders have.

        • Hi Gtetchen,

          I agree. I think we have to acknowledge the hypocrisy of our beginnings, freedom for all, unless you’re black, Native American or a woman. And the fact that our country’s wealth was built on slavery for the benefit of non slaves. And then, move forward with that awareness, making corrections wherever possible, and learning to be tolerant of our people and allies, pursuing prosperity for all. (& I don’t mean just money).

  5. I am truly saddened to see this. I have many Outlander friends with diverse political views. Outlander is one place we can agree on most things. Outlander fandom is a wonderful safe place. I respect your right to post this even as I disagree with your opinion. I do take issue with assuming what Jamie and Claire would do. I could debate you on this point but I wouldn’t because I don’t want to politicise them.

  6. I am Canadian and feel that not fully understanding American politics, my answer might not mean too much. However, USA is our beloved neighbour and one we cannot do without. That said, I have been following the political scene over the border for a long time, and have been horrified by what I read and hear. If the current president is re-elected then the American people are in a lot of trouble and will be betrayed even more than they are now. I cannot say who should or should not win, but the USA needs a total new leadership than what they are having to face in this election in November.

    • Rhonna, I appreciate you sharing your point of view. I think we should care about how others in the world view us, people who are not involved in our politics who can look at us from a distance and tell us truthfully what they see. Thank you.

    • It’s about ideology, & the radical left, if you can see beneath their verbiage & actions, won’t be happy until they impose Socialism/Communism on the US & take away our democratic freedoms. You need to be born here to fully understand.

      • Hi Jane,

        Thank you for your comment. I am not a radical leftist. If Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders had one the Democratic nomination, I would be very conflicted. Many Republicans of the past have my respect and had my vote, or would have had if I were old enough to vote. I don’t believe in Welfare as a lifestyle, and am conservative about many things. I do think Trump threatens our democracy.

  7. “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Martin Luther King

    So kudos to you, Courtney!

    These are not normal times and so much is at stake in this election. It isn’t one political party vs another. That can be seen by the amount of patriotic Republicans who are speaking out and voting for Joe Biden. Our Democracy is at stake, it’s on the line.

    In the last election, I was not as vocal about my choice for President even though I had a bad feeling about Trump. I think as a whole, Democrats tend to be quieter about politics. This time, with his record as proof, with his chance to prove us wrong obliterated, I find I cannot be silent. I believe America is at a crossroads. Deep soul searching is required. If anyone is offended because you or I or anyone else expresses an opinion or speaks out about what we see going on, perhaps it’s their conscience poking at them. We cannot listen to only those who agree with us or the divisions in this country will bring us to civil war.

    Someone said think of the most vulnerable person in your life and vote in their interests. So often I hear people cast aside the issues because they don’t pertain to them personally. They only care when something affects them. We need to start making decisions that are good for more than just ourselves. We need to look after the vulnerable, the oppressed and those who don’t have a voice.

    So I say kudos to you for using the voice you have, the platform you have to speak out when it matters.

    Tara (Rarewoman)

      • “We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.
        The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.
        There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.”


    • I like your quote, “Someone said think of the most vulnerable person in your life and vote in their interests”. I don’t understand why this is so hard for so many Republican leaders. Remember what Jamie often did when he met a vulnerable person? He took them under his protection and made them part of his family. No question in my mind who he’d vote for today.

  8. Thank you for your wonderful statement. I am a longtime Outlander fan and the America they fight for in the book is the America you are talking about – love of our neighbors, freedom to own your own body (for women’s) , a healthy land with a climate that we can live and thrive in. Thank you again for your outstanding comments in support of our country and it’s freedoms.

  9. Dear Courtney

    Thank you for your courage in supporting our democracy. I am committed to freedom of speech even for those who lie non-stop. I have voted already and urge all US Outlander fans to get out there and vote! I hope your stance will not cause you to lose followers. So sad if this occurs. I also hope all followers will open their hearts and minds and realize that the US population is not homogenous and we never have been. We are each unique and deserving of support, love and consideration. The good Lord above made us all.

  10. OK, now you have gone over the line. I do wish you had held your tongue. You have no way to know what anyone in Outlander would do. They are fictitious and not of your making.
    Very disappointed that you decided to bring politics into what was a lovely love story.
    Please remove me from your email list.

    • Joyce, I respect your right to your opinion. My conjecture about Jamie is just that. You are welcome to respond with your own idea!

      I’m sorry my post brings up disappointment, I get it.

      You will need to unsubscribe in order to stop receiving emails from the blog. You will see an option at the very bottom of the emails you receive from me that has an unsubscribe option. I’m sorry to see you go, and I wish you well. xo

  11. I too support Biden/Harris. Our democracy is on an edge and will disappear with any more time with Trump and the GOP disregarding Rule of Law. The health of my nation In in severe jeopardy with a president and administration that cares nothing for its population. Claire would never vote for an ignorant science denier like Trump. Jamie is newer to the idea of science but trusts Claire even if he does not understand all her knowledge. Also, Jamie is an honest person and would have no respect for a leader that lies daily, harms his people and who is only in it for himself. Trump has successfully divided the nation, making wearing masks for safety a political nation. WTF? Claire believes women think for themselves and would not support men telling her what she can and cannot do with her own body. Trump has betrayed this nation, literally, with Putin. I cannot see Jamie ever supporting betrayal. He is too loyal.

  12. You are doing this for self satisfaction only. We are suffering through 24/7 opinions about this upcoming election and the only escape we get from opinions and not facts is too much. If you have strong feelings….point them in a positive direction that feeds your soul……volunteer to help the party of your choice. Keep the lanes on your blog separated…..or go to work for Twitter/Facebook/Yahoo/Google….where they push more opinions and block free speech. So….I am going to exercise my freedom of choice and stop reading you. Too bad….you’re good when you stay in your lane.

  13. I’m very sorry to hear this, & hope you will reconsider. This election is not about Trump & Biden. It’s about ideology! If you don’t care if your freedom of speech may be taken away, then vote Democrat. The Dems have been taken over by their radical left that won’t be happy until they have replaced our freedoms and Democracy with their Socialism/Communist agenda! Communism doesn’t work. The only place all will be equal is in heaven! Learn about what happened in Russia! Like everything the Left says, it sounds good, but get to the heart of it! If you’re a Christian, your freedom to worship will be taken away! Our Democracy as we know it will be gone. The Reps love the US & want to keep it free & great! With freedoms & opportunities for all! And to be color blind. It’s the Dems that want to keep division, & keep fueling it! Sorry. Thank you.

  14. Funny, Courtney, as I read the Outlander books containing historical references to the American Revolutionary War, particularly the sentiments and behaviors leading up to it, I found the similarities to our current political environment and social unrest a bit disturbing. God bless America and peace to ALL our fellow country folk. XOXO

  15. Thank you so much Courtney. I am very proud to follow this excellent blog, and you are so correct about for whom Jamie and Claire would vote. Thanks again.

  16. Thank you so much Courtney. I appreciate this post, and all you do. I agree that Jamie and Claire would never support the current regime, as they fought so hard for rights and freedoms for everyone. Thank you again.

  17. Thanks for sharing this and encouraging people to vote for honesty, empathy, and concern for the common good. I am with you 100%.

  18. Brava! To me the only path to save our democracy and our standing on the world stage is through Biden/Harris. I’m sure you wrangled with the concept of whether or not to speak up. But you have a platform and in very scary times like these, it IS time to speak up and speak out. And I do believe Claire and Jamie would support this ticket because of their natures. I do know that Sam and Caitroina share the same views as you and I do. Our nation cannot suffer through another four years of this chaos and divisiveness. Vote Blue up and down the ticket to save our country!

  19. Proud of you. Sad about some of the ridiculous parroting of rhetoric I am reading here but this is our America right now. For those who are upset you are posting about something so important I say it’s your blog and those exact first amendment rights they are so worried about loosing are being put to good use. You can say whatever you please. If they disagree then flounce away, which is what they all are doing.

    I’m not going anywhere. You are stuck with me. 🤗😘. #vote

    • Thank you Jody. I care about everyone who participates in this community, regardless of their politics. If they choose to leave, it’s a loss for us all, but I respect their decisions. Glad to be stuck with you! xo

  20. Well, thank God for those who speak out and publish their political opinions and thank God for papists and Geordie, too!
    Let’s thank God that Claire found A. Malcolm through his political publication that survived the years and into Richard’s hands. And yes, Claire and Jaime would be actively campaigning for Biden/Harris.

    This video and message are beautiful. ❤️❤️❤️ I’d not seen it and am so happy you shared it. Thank you, Courtney. I am not online much now, so I am happy to have caught this post. It’s so important to speak up and out. Social media are our own publishing platforms to exploit. Using it to effect a change against the evil that Trump and his administration are and that they represent is probably the best use of it. I read just a moment ago that Biden has not used social media as much as Trump. Fortunately Biden supporters are using it to promote him.
    The imperative is to get Trump out of office, then sort through the swampy wreckage of the Trump administration. But there is no coming to terms with the hate and bigotry brandished everywhere. Now we that he has empowered his supporters to advertise ignorance, some friends I’ve known for years have outed themselves. I let them go.
    I believe that if you support Trump then you are as hateful and evil as he is, no matter how you try to sell yourself. You can’t vote for him on just one issue, ignoring other issues, then pretend to be a decent person.

    That people are so cavalier with their uninformed attitudes and votes is beyond frightening. Trump achieved at least one thing and that is that he turned republican’s frustrated anger into indignance. And now we got a whole lotta people who will vote for him again because it’s gonna feel good to exact that righteous anger at the polls, no matter how much his policies will ultimately hurt their them and more importantly, that of their progeny and Earth.

    Well, there is that.

    Lots of love to you and yours, Courtney. 🤗🥰☮️

    • Thank you Tricia.

      I will say, I have neighbors, family members, and friends who are voting for Trump, and though I vehemently disagree with them, I do place their humanity above my own politics. And I still love them. xo

      • I’m not that big or generous. But Trump has changed me. I feel like Tricia as I have basically written off friends and family who still support him no matter what he has done. This isn’t just another politician, his aim is to be a dictator and ruin our country and its basic values and I cannot and will not support anyone who thinks that is okay.

      • Politics is so divisive!
        My dearest and closest family members are rabid Trumpers. But to keep the peace, I simply avoid the subject. But they insist on brining it up. Often accusing me of being liberal or progressive (maybe I am). But it’s their world too, and they have to live in it.
        Sadly that is Trump’s legacy—destruction of the core basics of our society.
        I find escape at Fraser’s Ridge.

  21. I do not mind that you used a website that is devoted to Outlander to express your political views. As you initiated this collective, it is your right and – some would say – your responsibility. BUT I resent this one line – ” There’s no question in my mind. Jamie would run Donald Sandringham Trump through first chance he got.” Why my resentment? While you present a supposition of both Jamie and Claire – you chose only to answer on Jamie’s behalf. You imbue a political opinion to the central male figure, yet you fail to address a conjectured political opinion of the central female character which surely would be equally valiant …though her action(s) would probably be less violent. I am disappointed- as a female, you chose to imagine the heroics of a fictional male while ignoring an equally heroic fictional female. Certainly not in keeping with the character!! Claire has often expressed a humanity that embodies a compassion and empathy that is missing today … not only in our present President but in both parties as well. (The use of race as a political foil is no more deserving of respect or praise either). One could argue that Jamie’s ultimate acceptance of the state of slavery in his time displayed a realistic practicality. Claire is afforded more insight because of history but her spirit in ANY TIME surely would have been “Some see things as they are and ask why, I dream things that never were and say, why not?” … except Claire doesn’t just dream.

    • Hi Dianne,

      I did think that Claire would pull a (Show) Marsali on him, given the chance to get him in her surgery, or perhaps what she suggested for Bonnie Prince Charlie that Dougal overheard in Season 1, which lead to his own demise. No offense to Claire (or you) intended by my omission!

  22. I understood from the beginning that the rules of this blog werebto remain focused on Outlander, and we were told to keep politics and other platforms out. Its not right to change the rules now, when so many of us from different cultures and backgrounds get along so well with Outlander being our community . I believe this is not the platform for politics.

    • Thank you Alyse, I don’t believe that was ever my rule for this blog, perhaps for a Facebook page you read my blog on? My rule is for civil discourse and mutual respect. I don’t usually “go there” with politics, but today I did. Your respectful opinion is always welcome here. x

    • I agree with Alyse ~ so sad that you felt that your opinion was so important that you have sullied our beautiful Outlander community with your political views. I have loved the Outlander story for years and during this time of ugliness in our country I take refuge in rereading and escaping into the beauty of Diana’s books. I have enjoyed a lot of your posts but this one is not what I feel should be pushed and you should keep unpolitical !!!! Sorry but I am unfollowing for now~~~

      • That’s OK Jane, I understand. I am getting from you guys that this has been part of the Outlander safe haven, and this post feels like a violation. I regret that part for you guys. You are welcome back anytime. xo

  23. For those who are so offended by the post, what is it that was so offensive? Because someone expressed an opinion that ran contrary to yours? Must you only read information you agree with, must you only surround yourself with those who feel like you do?

    I was raised in a religious cult that did not allow me to seek an outside point of view and did not allow me to associate with those who didn’t believe as I did. I was restricted to the information presented to me by the religion. I have since broken free and, probably as a result of my sheltered upbringing, I now deeply value the opinion of others. The more information, the better. Nobody says you have to change your beliefs or your politics, but seek out information other than what is comfortable to you, what is fed to you. Try to understand the other side instead of categorizing, making assumptions and just repeating what you’ve heard. Our hearts and minds have to be open without judgement of others. Challenge your beliefs and assumptions, see if they hold up to reality, to facts. Look deep inside and weigh your reaction, does it fit the situation? As Americans, we all have freedom of speech. Why is it we only want like-minded people to exercise that freedom?

    • What I am understanding is the upset is more about this being a safe haven – a neutral space – for everyone – and my post feels like a violation of that for some. I can see that and empathize with it. Thank you for sharing your story Tara. xo

      • If your post was proTrump, would they have the same complaints? I am doubtful they would. I have yet to see people complain about politics being discussed when their candidate is favored. There is an underlying intolerance for opposing views from both sides of the spectrum. If we’re ever going to heal the division in this country, we have to stop walking away from each other.

        Peace and Love! xo

  24. It’s an inherent right to express one’s opinion. The present occupier of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue would prefer there was no Constitution. With rights come responsibility, and to express an opinion and admonition to continue our way of governance is for everyone.
    This is your blog, and you are using it wisely by expressing your opinion.
    I’m with you..and Jamie…but perhaps Claire might have a better draft for a sample.

  25. Thank you Courtney for speaking up. I’m behind you all the way and am praying hard for change, good change, unification, healing. We sorely need it.

    • Yes! Can we somehow have what level headed Trump supporters want, without all of the destructive parts? That’s what I would like to understand. I hear a lot of fear of socialism if Biden is elected, which I don’t think will happen. But our fears about Trump have been realized, and then some. My opinion.

      • Courtney, I admire your courage for taking a stand – you have every right to so do. This is what the 1st Amendment of the Constitution guarantees every US citizen. People may disagree but you have a right to your opinion as we all do. Thank you for speaking out.

        Frankly, I’m not sure why socialism is such a dirty word – it is often confused with communism and I believe it is used as another wedge issue to create division. The United States—like every other country with an advanced economy, such as the U.K. (including Scotland), Germany, France, and Japan—is already a partly socialist country, with a mixed capitalist economy along with many government programs that serve the public good.

        By this defintion, Social Security is a “socialist” program: it’s a taxpayer-funded, government-run pension system that cuts out private money managers. Medicare – a single-payer, government-run health insurance program for those over 65 – is too.

        The minimum wage, maximum hour, and child labor laws that go back over a century are likewise “socialist” programs, in that the government intervenes in the capitalist market to require employers to meet minimum standards that might not be met in a pure, unregulated “free” market. So is public education. When the Trump administration gave billions of dollars to farmers in the midwest to offset the tariffs he put on other countries who no longer wanted to buy US crops, this is also an example of socialism. Supporting the good of the farmers by the government. This may or may not be the right strategy, but it is an example of socialism.

        Maybe if we had a little more focus on the public good that might not be a bad thing. After all, people in Europe have their tax dollars used for free healthcare, free college, extensive paid time off for mothers and fathers after childbirth, disability payments, etc. They utilize more socialist programs while remaining capitalist/free societies. We could too if we had the political will.

  26. Sadly, I will have to unfollow. I got off of Twitter for the same reason. I am looking for Outlander news free of politics. It’s now nowhere to be found.

    • Stephanie, thank you for your comment. I understand. I needed to speak up. This was your safe haven. Both are true, and valid. I have added a warning to the top of the post, and will do so going forward if I ever post something like this again. You are welcome back anytime. xo

  27. One of the saddest things for me to see in country has been the purpopseful division advanced by Trump. He has made it his mantra to be divisive, support White Supremecy, is anti-BLM, anti health, is busy stacking the courts with very right wing judges who will reverse a lot of the progress we have made in my lifetime (71 years.) His followers are angry and dissatisfied, some raging against everything he tells them to. It has become a cult. To have a huge population support a man who thinks it is okay to rip kids away from their mothers, who denies that masks and social distancing would help stem the deaths of CV19, who think it is okay to physically assault women, not to mention verbal cruelty to handicapped people, hatred to those who have defended our country in the military and on and on. I cannot understand, with all the knowledge we have out there that so many listen to FOX news only, listen to Qanon bullshit–and believe it. and then there is the international failure of our country. We have lost friends and now have very few allies. We are a joke in many countries. We no longer command respect as a nation they want to emulate. As for this forum, It is Courtney’s to use as she wishes. If I did not like it I would just follow elsewhere. These are unusual times. We must all be kept aware of the dangers of a president who would be king–literally, or actually an autocrat who makes his own rules. Trump has put in place his asskissers and kicked out heads of departments with knowledge. That being said, I love Outlander, the characters, the books, the TV show, the fans etc. We discuss all kinds of what ifs regarding them all so why not pretend what they might think of what is going on now. It is all fiction, ergo we can fictionalize what we think they might do or how they might act. I repeat, Jamie and Claire would never ever vote for someone like Trump.

  28. Some of the comments made by Biden/Harris supporters are the very reason I was sad to see politics brought into this forum. These generalizations including stating Trump supporters are “angry and dissatisfied “ are unnecessary. There are good people on both sides, and it’s more complicated than generalizations. I appreciate your responses to those who are not Biden/Harris supporters. It’s called civil discourse for a reason. It has to be civil, otherwise it’s just discourse.

  29. Thank you for that short and sweet comment on the election. I’m sorry if there are people that disagree, but I couldn’t agree more. The question:
    WWJAMMFDO? We all know he would be smart and fair in his assumptions of the candidates.

  30. Thank you from a senior for defending our democracy and your outstanding comments. I have lived through WWII, the Korean War, the war in Afghanistan and other traumatic incidents in our history. I feel qualified to defend democracy and speak out for it’s preservation and to applaud young people like you, who are standing for our constitutional values and beliefs.

  31. Thank you for posting. I agree it is time to heal our nation, become unified, kinder and gentler. I am an immigrant whose parents were fortunate enough to be granted residency and later citizenship in the mid 60’s. My parents arrived to a new country filled with hope and opportunity. My parents actually sided and voted with the Republican party. Growing up I adopted those views until I started seeing things differently. As a strong Christian l still tended to vote mostly with the Republican party until 4 years ago. The last 4 years have been an embarrassment and I have been grieved at the pain and harm our current President has caused. I proudly voted for Biden and am thrilled at his win. It is time to heal our nation and move forward! (also as a side note I have no doubt that Jamie and Claire would be “Team Biden/Harris”)!

  32. Powerful! Love is on the ballot!!! Biden is our light and our hope and I am so thankful that our nation chose him and Kamala to pull us out of this mire of hate Trump brought to our nation. Joe and Kamala will help this nation to heal, but we have a lot of work to do and it’s up to all of us to be a part of it. So Courtney, this is your platform and you have the right to make it political because this is so important and this is your space to do with what you want with it. And thank you for giving us a place to state our beliefs and feelings. I have been very worried about our country and I am feeling better now. At least with the outcome of this recent election, we have a chance to turn it all around and then some. And yes, Claire and Jamie would definitely be on this side of the stone. Thank you for giving me a platform to speak my heart and mind!

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