OutlanderBTS #TBT Excellent Interview with Tobias, Cait and Sam

One of the things I do to maintain Outlanderbts.com, is to cull through old posts and update them. I review them, add photos, update the written content, replace broken links, add tags, etc., so you can find and enjoy them again! Here and there I come across some real treasures that merit being shared anew, so I’ve created a new category called OutlanderBTS #TBT (Throwback Thursday). 

When I stumble upon a well done interview with the cast or crew, I am especially pleased. I found this oldie but goodie, and really wanted to share it with you. Interviewer Ricky Camilleri does an excellent job in my opinion, and we get refreshing insights from all three of these guys.

One thing of note, is that just as Frank (even though we don’t like too much screen time devoted to Frank), is very necessary to the story, so has Tobias been necessary, not only for his stellar job as BJR and Frank, but also to the growth of our leads, Caitriona, in particular. I am reminded in this interview just how little experience Caitriona had before Outlander.  As you’ll see, Tobias showed her it was even possible to give input about her character to the writers, and influence the way a scene gets played. Fast forward to today: Cait and Sam are now producers on the show. Pretty cool to see that growth.

This interview was done during the publicity week for the Season 2 premiere in NYC, on April 7, 2016 (incidentally, one day after Outlanderbts.com went live!).

Enjoy this look back…


Presumably there is a Part 2, but I have not been able to locate it (yet). If and when I do, you’ll be the first to know! 

It’s fun to see some familiar faces in the audience (Nancy!) Who else was at this live interview in New York City? Sound off in the comments!


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Coming up…

A new OutlanderBTS What’s New, and

In the editor today…

Here’s to global health and better tomorrows. Sending my best to you today and always.  xo



5 comments on “OutlanderBTS #TBT Excellent Interview with Tobias, Cait and Sam

      • Hi OBTS! LOL I didn’t even notice that there were OTHER fans seated *in front* of Arlene! Her blonde pageboy with black headband stood out to me. And her black phone case has an MPC sticker on it.

  1. Thanks for re-posting the interview and all the work you do on your site. I haven’t seen any of these early interviews. Very
    interesting interview.

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