Happy Anniversary Outlander 10 Years!! Cast Interviews

Cover photo: Look at these babies!!

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 10 years today, since Outlander first aired on Aug 9, 2014. Seems like a lifetime ago. And it’s been almost 11 years since filming first started. Did you see it on that day? I did not – I saw it in September of 2014, when did you discover it?

Here’s a sweet interview by Josh Horowitz with Sam, Cait, Duncan, Graham, Sophie, and Richard. Enjoy!


Here is another video with Sam and Cait reminiscing…


Happy Friday! xo


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28 comments on “Happy Anniversary Outlander 10 Years!! Cast Interviews

    • Hi Judith, I hear you. Figuring out if we will be continuing with our discussions, I will keep you guys posted. xo

  1. I stumbled on it at a bookstore and bought Outlander and Dragonfly in Amber in the summer of 1992. I was hooked!

    I was so excited when I found out that Outlander was going to be on television and watched it Saturday evening, August 9, 2014. I even turned my phone off so I wouldn’t be disturbed. 🙂

    • Wow Kate – you were in the first wave of show watchers! And that’s pretty early on the books too. You’ve been an Outlander fan for a long time ❤️.

        • Hi Jude – I think you’re right about the scene, but the location seems to be in a stable – so maybe a divergence from the book? Or perhaps not “the” scene from the printshop, but one leading up to it?

    • I started when season 1 was on tv. I just stumbled upon it probably bc it’s my kind of show. I was mesmerized. Season 2 killed me with the change from the book. I couldn’t stand their distance. Of course, the reunion was spectacular. Meh after but still love the show.

    • Aw you are so welcome – thank you for saying that Barbara – it’s been a really cool place to channel my creativity and I think the community is wonderful, so gives to all of us. xo

    • Yes – I get that! What a powerful theme song Bear created and his wife sings (still my favorite version) – sweeps one up in the first few notes!

  2. For me it was the end of August time in 2019
    Quite late into the Outlander universe.
    I had just signed up for Amazon prime and Outlander kept popping up to watch. Having read the synopsis I wasn’t sure but started to watch… oh boy I was hooked..doubly so by the time we got to ‘ your tearing my guts out Claire ‘.
    First four seasons watched in 4 weeks.(I was working 2 part time jobs at the time!) Then, I started to research into the show.. found out about the books and Sam Heughan 😅. With the pandemic, I was at home and read for 4 months one book after the other…..
    After S4, I experienced droughtlander for the first time…not nice🙃. Then, waiting for book 9 was awful 😖!
    Just wished it was more well known in the UK.

  3. I have to say that I feel Starz is ripping us off. First, they tell us that the next season will be an extended season because the previous one was short, only 8 shows. Then they separate it into 2 seasons and give them to us a year apart. I really, really hope they don’t do this with the final season 8, because they have upped the price to $10.99 a month just before the second half of season 7, part 2 comes out. I only do Starz for that show, so I pay all this money for not a thing. Linda Hyden

    • Hi Linda – That does kind of feel like they’re stringing us along to make more money – possibly true. I can’t imagine they will split Season 8 into two seasons – they’ve only done that with 16 episode seasons (so far). There definitely is the money making side of it, which Starz seems to represent, but when I look at the production side – everyone from Maril and Matt to the catering folks – I see a big family that tries to make a quality piece of art for us to enjoy. I try to focus on that side of things and then I don’t feel as annoyed (I have my own issues with Starz as a blogger). Will you keep Starz for the prequel? I’m guessing we’ll get that in Q1 of 2025.

  4. I am a Scottish grandma. Outlander passed me by..I thought sci-fi,fantasy ..not my cup of tea.However during our annual trip to my son and family in Melbourne 2018..one of their friends,married to a doctor from Glasgow,was astonished that I knew nothing about the show.She made me promise to catch up when I got home.I had trouble finding it, but when I did..hook.line and sinker!.I was thrilled to discover that I live very near to some of the iconic locations.My friend met Sam on the day he filmed the ‘bear killer’ scene in her local park. So looking forward to what we still have to see x x I did meet Sam at a book signing last Winter in Glasgow x x

    • Haha I love it that you found out about Outlander in Australia! 😁 How fun to return home, get hooked and realize that it all happens in your own neck of the woods! We have a lot of Outlander to look forward to coming down the pike. xo

  5. I’m a reader. I purchased a first edition Outlander in June 1991 while pregnant with my son. I was also on compuserve and in the Ladies of Lallybroch, one of the very 1st fan clubs. (Lost tract of that during several moves and a divorce, plus working 2 ft jobs. The fan club, not the books) Over the years, on her webpage, And thru every new book, we always heard rumors of a movie, or a limited series. When the series was announced, we waited on every character cast…swooned over costuming, locals and set design shown. Some have been disappointed with events left out, storylines changed etc. I personally stopped watching religiously after season 4. Now I scroll thru for only certain episodes. I still love the series, but I prefer the books.

    • Wow Maryanne you are a true true OG (original) when it comes to being a fan. Diana still refers to the Ladies of Lallybroch – I think they are still active! Very cool.

      Yes Season 4 was a definite low point. In my opinion the series began to improved after that – that was during the make Jamie look like an ass and actually make Claire look like an ass too – under the guise of the strong woman trope. Better moments after that – never a repeat of Season 1, of course.

  6. Thanks for posting this video!
    I was a huge fan before the show aired. I learned early on not to give my hardbacks books to my friends to check out, but to get paperbacks at used books stores to hand out to people!
    I was waiting with bated breath for the beginning of the show. We had watch parties.
    I have all the seasons in the extended formats on DVD.
    It’s just been a joy!
    And winning the “happy birthday” from Graham McTavish in 2020, was a big highlight (thank you for that!)
    I have loved all the books & spinoff shows, too. What a ride!

    • What year did you start reading the books Donna? So funny about loaning the books and so true! And love that your Patron reward is up there with your standout memories. xo

  7. What a journey we have all had! I feel privileged to be part of this fandom. From April 2015 when I happened across the second half of S1 and told my bestie “do yourself a favour and watch Outlander. Picture men in kilts running through the mud with swords” to finding out there were books and voraciously reading the first 8 before our trip to Scotland, this mystical adventure has captured me, heart and soul. I will be shattered when it ends, but also looking forward to the spin-offs. I have thoroughly enjoyed the BTS episode recaps and hope they return!! Thanks to each of you for your intelligent, insightful and entertaining synopses of this incredible story!

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