Fun Cast Videos Reminiscing About Outlander Early Days

Cover photo – Still of Sam and Cait from a Season 1 Outlander Press video – TV guide

Happy Friday ya’ll – Here are some fun videos for you to enjoy.

Sam & Cait reminisce about the beginning of their Outlander journeys…


Some of the cast remembering their first scenes with Sam for his “Castaversary” (July 9, 2013)…


This or That with the Cast…



Celebrating Jamie’s birthday on May 1st…


More reminiscing from a prior season from Outlander Addicted…



If you haven’t checked out my update on all things Outlander, click below…

OutlanderBTS What’s New: Seasons 7B, 8 & Prequel Updates

Have a fabulous weekend! xo


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Source: Outlander Starz on Facebook

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