OutlanderBTS What’s New: Seasons 7B, 8 & Prequel Updates

Cover Photo: Brian and Ellen Fraser, Blood of My Blood, the Prequel, Collider Magazine

How are people feeling about the prequel? I personally am excited to see it, and I wonder if these two actors will have amazing chemistry like Sam and Cait do as Jamie and Claire? If they do, that’ll be pretty great – I guess time will tell. And how about Claire’s parents? Sometimes when Outlander (the show) goes off script from the books, I find there is something lacking; I hope that won’t be the case with the prequel and Claire’s parents, as Diana’s prequel book will not include them. I understand that Matt and Diana have been in contact about the show, so I wonder if Diana was giving feedback about the Beauchamp storyline as well? It will be interesting to see how that all plays out.

Here are the two couples along with other cast (Rory Alexander, who plays Murtagh, and Tony Curran who plays the Old Fox, Lord Lovat), in a wrap video from last month.

The prequel will be 10 episodes, and will focus on the lives of Ellen and Brian Fraser – likely set in Scotland in the late 1600’s, and then also Henry and Julia Beauchamp, in the early 1900’s.

Tony Curran told Town & Country that his character is a “bit of a lothario” in the show. He added, “I don’t know if there’s been a character quite like Lord Lovat in the Outlander series so far. He’s a man who feels he’s been crossed. His title, his lands, have been taken away from him, and he’s got a bone to pick with many of the Grants, the MacKenzies, et. al. He’s quite the chess player when it comes to a sort of calculating approach to how to deal with getting his estate back and his name, and he’s extremely ambitious.”

He also shared, “The [Blood of My Blood] scripts are really good. What I’ve seen looks very powerful, and of course the Outlander fanbase is hopefully quite excited to see what comes.”

Well, there’s been Lord Lovat himself in Outlander so far, so we will see how those two versions line up.

As to when BOMB will premiere, there is nothing more specific than “2025” yet that I have found. Blood of My Blood (also known as BOMB), started filming in January of 2024 and finished in July. It used to take two months per episode for post production for Outlander, so if that’s still true, August 2025 would be the earliest premiere date for BOMB.  However, there is an official Outlander convention – The Land Con 7, which takes place in Paris at the end of April, 2025, and perhaps that will be on the press tour for Blood of My Blood?  Maybe the post production phase has become more efficient, and we will get the premiere in May of 2025?

What about another season of BOMB after this first one? Traditionally, Starz waits to see how Season 1 does before approving a Season 2, so I guess we’ll all be waiting a while to find out. Unless, they contracted for more than one season off the bat? I haven’t heard that that’s the case though.

The most fun thing I’ve come across about the prequel is that the production hired Grant and Stephen’s sons to play Young Rupert and Young Angus, respectively. Maril posted these adorable photos on Fathers Day, saying, “Casting does not get better than this. When searching to cast young Angus and Young Rupert in Blood of My Blood we were beyond tickled to discover that Grant O’Rourke and Stephen Walters sons were both the right age AND they had great acting chops. It was such a special full circle moment. And a delight to welcome Grant and Stephen back to our sets. Welcome to Louis and Marlow! And Happy Fathers Day!”

How cool is that? Outlander is the gift that keeps on giving, now, into the next generation!


Photo: Stephen, Marlow, Grant and Louis, Maril Davis Instagram

Grant and Louis, Maril Davis Instagram

Marlow and Stephen, Maril Davis Instagram

 Starz posted this video of the foursome…

Starz (and Sam) announced that Outlander will be at both New York Comic Con and at Paleyfest in New York this fall on October 16 (Paley) and 17 (NYCC). This is most assuredly to promote Season 7B. Will there be any Blood of My Blood presence there? That remains to be seen – could be. Would be a smart PR move to link these two shows together in my opinion, but we’ll see. 

What about Outlander Season 7B? We know that filming for all of Season 7, which reportedly took 11 months for 16 episodes, finished in February of 2023. Season 7 covers the rest of Season 6, (you’ll remember that Season 6, which was supposed to cover the 1157 page book, A Breath of Snow and Ashes (ABOSAA), was abbreviated from 12 episodes down to 8, because of filming challenges presented by Covid-19 (no small obstacle), and Cait’s pregnancy (no small challenge for the supposedly menopausal and very active lead character!!). When filming wrapped for the abbreviated Season 6, (June 5, 2021), it was announced that Season 7, already approved at the time, would be 16 episodes long, to encompass the missing 4 episodes of Season 6 (ABOSAA), and the additional 12 episodes for covering Book 7: An Echo In The Bone.

According to a Town & Country article (Thank you Lisa Hempelman) published June 16, 2023, just as Season 7, Part 1 was airing, Maril Davis said that the production were actually halfway through filming Season 7 before they found out there would even be a Season 8! This means they had chosen the storylines and written Season 7 as if it would be the last season, and then they literally had to rewrite the second half of Season 7 on the spot, upon finding out there would be a Season 8. So, effectively, they were going along planning to wrap up the series and all the storylines chosen for Season 7, and then suddenly Season 7 needed to wrap up some of those storylines and encompass Books 7 (An Echo In The Bone), and 8! (Written In My Own Heart’s Blood). Again, no small task. This production has had to stay light on their feet to deal with the many twists, turns and challenges a long the way. It will be interesting to see how they accomplish marrying the two halves of Season 7 together. 

Season 7B premieres on Friday, November 22, at 8:00PM Eastern time, (which means Starz subscribers in the US will get it the night before at midnight Eastern time). Starz released the official teaser, along with the release date, back in June. Here’s the teaser in case you haven’t seen it…

Starz also released some photos from part 2 of Season 7 last month…

Hard to know where this photo may have taken place – J and C looking pretty relaxed and clean. Any ideas out there?

I can guess what this scene might be – but there again, Ian Sr is looking very well put together and not very near death here! 🤓

Ah, yes. These two…

Brianna, clearly speaking to the authorities in her own time, doing a good job of looking like a haggard worried mum.


Roger looks like he’s on a nice glamping vacation, just had his hair done and a beard trim, ready for a cover shoot. The dads always have it easier, don’t they? 😁

Not remembering what this one is about. Anybody got an idea? 

Hopefully I will be distracted by the amazing writing, sets, acting, etc. and won’t notice the pristine costumes during the second half of Season 7. I really don’t like to be negative, but they do detract from the believability of some scenes for me! Maybe they’ll be dirtier in Season 8? 

Speaking of Season 8… they had their last read through on Monday, August 12th. They all posted photos and sentiments. Wow, what a big part of their lives this production has been – truly the end of an era.

Maril writes: “What an emotional day. The last read thru for the last block of Outlander. Tears were shed (mine) but thankfully we provided Outlander hankies to dry those tears. Hard to imagine that our first official read through was 11 years ago. The final countdown has begun… 😩😩😩😩”

Caitriona writes: “Here we are… 11 years 101 episodes and a whole lotta love, sweat and tears (and some blood)…. ” She goes on to thank Starz and her fellow cast and Matt and Maril and the producers and fans, saying, “It’s been a journey and a half. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️”

Photo: Last table read, Maril Davis Instagram

They are clearly on location for this last table read, perhaps Lord John Grey’s home in Savannah?

Photos: Sam & Cait’s Instagram


Photos: Sam & Cait’s Instagram

Photos: Sam & Cait’s Instagram

Below is a photo taken during the Block 2 table read – not the first one, but the second one, for Season 1, Episodes 3 and 4, 11 or so years ago, when it was all brand new – in their (then) small little studio in Cumbernauld. What a journey for them and for all of us, indeed.

You can see the video of this block 2 table read here – it’s located toward the bottom of the post.

Season 5 Table Read Today, Woot!

As to how Season 8 will end? Ron D. Moore told Collider at SDCC, There’s been a lot of discussion and a tremendous amount of thought about, ‘Well, what’s the final note that series should end on?'” Moore says. “But I defer to Matt on how he decides to do that.”

Apparently Matt wrote the finale for Season 8. I personally hope that it will be left open ended, so they can maybe come back and finish the series in some way. Matt is a hopeless romantic (in my experience), so I bet ya that’s what he’s done. We shall see, in a year or more from now! Heck, by the time it airs, the cast may be ready for a reunion! Fingers crossed.

We have lots of Outlander still to look forward to:

  • Season 7B will be released November 22, 2024 in the US
  • “Blood of My Blood” will hopefully come out in second quarter 2025
  • Season 8 maybe last quarter 2025?
  • Book 10, guessing 2025 or 2026?
  • Master Raymond novel…
  • Prequel book about Ellen MacKenzie…
  • Perhaps another season of the prequel in 2027?
  • And surely a reunion to film Book 10 by 2028??? 

One can hope…

As always, I love to hear your thoughts in the comments! 

Check out this nice interview with Josh Horowitz, Sam, Cait, Graham, Richard & Sophie, and Duncan…

Happy Anniversary Outlander 10 Years!! Cast Interviews


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Source: Collider
Source: OutlanderBTS
Source: Town & Country
Source: OutlanderBTS
Source: Town & Country

28 comments on “OutlanderBTS What’s New: Seasons 7B, 8 & Prequel Updates

  1. I hope I live to see all of your suggested events! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and including all of the Outlander fans.

      • I’m SO EXCITED to see you posting again! I have so missed your posts and missed you ladies doing your episode discussions. I hope that means that you’re well and back on your feet again, and I’m praying that all of you episode discussion ladies have returned to health as well. Gosh, I’ve missed you!

        • Hi Gail, Aw thank you, it’s nice to be back posting. I am doing well, just getting a kid off to college and adding things back in slowly. Stay tuned for news on BTS discussions. xo

  2. Phew…..thanks for aw yer thoughts on that. And, aye, they need tae be mankier- much mair clartit. I recently rewatched Season 1 and loved how much attention was put intae the authenticity of costume and make up. As I’ve said afore – way to fantoosh (even if it is in America!) But still loving it and looking forward to BOMB. Love that they have used the actors weans tae play the younger selves.

    • Hi Ann – I got all of it but “mankier- much mair clartit.” Not sure what that means! Yes Season 1 was so authentic wrt costumes and makeup. It felt like we were peering into their world. With the cleanliness of the costumes in later seasons it feels more like watching a piece of theater imo.

  3. Wow, Courtney, thanks for the great article. Hope this means you are feeling well, and especially hoping you’ll be able to gather the other ladies for your discussions this year. They were always as much of a highlight for me as the actual episodes.
    As for the picture of Ian, my guess would be confronting Arch Bug.

    • Hi MG – You’re very welcome – it was my pleasure to compose it. That’s a very good guess regarding Ian! I bet you’re right.

      I am doing much better, thank you and also revisiting the discussion group. I’ll keep you posted. Glad you enjoy it so much ❤️

  4. Thanks for another update. It seems so long ago that we began this journey. So many disruptions along the way. I’m looking forward to the prequel!

  5. Well said and written Courtney…. and throughtly done.
    A lot to unpack there.
    I will watch BOMB to see how it goes. They really need the chemistry between the 2 main Leads, to make it a hit.
    As Maril had said right at the very beginning, 11 years ago ‘if we don’t get Jamie and Claire right we might as well give up!!!
    Sam and Caitriona have such a high bench mark to equal or even beat!
    But I shall give it a go…🤔😉 If we get it in the UK !!

    As for the first pic of Jamie and Claire sitting on his knee… could be one of many things. I wonder if its them in Edinburgh on their arrival, in a nice hotel…. Claire getting her reading glasses?😅 Or back at Lallybrock and Claire telling Jamie about going back early to see to Henri-Christian?

    The cleanest of the clothes have been my pet hate too. The whiteness of Jamies shirts really came to a head in the Beardsly cabin for me.🤪🫣
    Also when they are on the road travelling, clothes do seem so clean and pressed. uggg!
    In the interview with Josh H recently, Sam mentioned how he liked the dirtyness of season 1…. yes he has Claire and Lizzie to wash his clothes now but not on the road. 😅
    Had to smile at your comment about Roger glamping…. again Roger was travelling (in the books) it was raining cold… they were walking riding through the Scottish countryside… he coat looks as though it come straight form the shops.

    I have been able to reply to you now as my flight to Boston USA ( I’m going to Cape Cod) has been delayed 3 hours!!

    • Hi Susie – I’m sure you will get it in the UK, and that Maril is a smart one, so true.

      Hmmm – that bed in the background does look a bit like the Lallybroch bedroom – might be a scene there.

      Yes – you have mentioned the Beardsley cabin costumes before which is laughable – not sure how they can overlook that!

      Yes – in the books it’s made a big deal of that ppl with servants (Jocasta and LJG) still look amazing on the road when all others do not!

      Exactly! We got ultra dirty Roger for his hand fasting when he could have at least jumped into the river to wash off – and then glamping Roger for when his son is missing and he’s been through the stones no less?? and living rough – he looks like he’s about to go to a ball at Lord John Grey’s!

      I hope your flight made it out and that you have a wonderful holiday!

  6. Love the new updates Courtney!
    Re the Young Ian photo, that could indeed be the Arch Bug confrontation/situation, he’s standing in a stable so who knows?
    Re the picture of Claire and Jamie – back at Lallybroch seems likely, they look so happy and content.
    Re the table readthrough, the readthrough took place in a beautiful castle just outside Edinburgh (more info and pictures here: https://roseberyvenues.co.uk/venue/barnbougle-castle). There are cameras pictured in the many photos released by the cast so I guess the final readthrough was recorded, hopefully for release to us eager fans at some point in the future. I can’t imagine they would film there as the castle is very “Scottish” and has fittings & fixtures that are akin to a Scottish castle, not a Savannah type residence.
    The actor who plays Buck Mackenzie is pictured at the table read and he also posted photos from the read on his Instagram, so they’re likely to have the Roger/Buck situation still featured in the last episodes.
    There’s filming taking place soon in Eglinton Country Park, Ayrshire as the local media have posted about it and a set has been erected in the countryside, but it’s hard to figure out what it could be used for in relation to anything in the books, perhaps the house in Savannah or the new Frasers Ridge? More info and picture here: https://www.irvinetimes.com/news/24494143.outlander-filming-taking-place-eglinton-country-park/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/scotlandsscenery/posts/believed-to-be-the-set-of-outlander-taken-yesterday-at-eglinton-park/8346290985390201/?paipv=0&eav=AfZqzRgAoUiUHVDQb4YHZeiU5SA_dV1-tnEz4f4VQEp7qprpeU7ftao4Oxmac8LdREs&_rdr). I look forward to more updates, M

    • Hi Mary – thank you for all the BTS you just sent me now, and over the years! I love it! Perhaps the production just rented this castle because it would be special and nice for their last table read? Looks like they had a meal too. And yes, would be great if we get to see a video at some point.

      Good eye on the actor playing Buck, interesting that he would still be in the story this late in the game? (Unless they are filming out of order?)

      Now that structure in Eglinton Country Park looks like it could be an estate in Savannah, especially when I see the little structure in the garden, where Amaranthus and William will no doubt have some conversations. I think that will be Lord John Grey’s estate in Savannah, good find. The house on the Ridge did burn down, but I would imagine they will have built something in the same location to take its place.

      I think you (and others) are right about the Young Ian photo having to do with Arch Bug – maybe that confrontation takes place at a stable vs a print shop?

      I can also buy that the Jamie and Claire shot is taken from a scene at Lallybroch (or at least the studio set of Lallybroch).

      Love all the info and insights – thank you Mary!!

  7. You have seriously confused me, but I will continue to read any thing Outlander!! Somehow I will put it all together’!! Love to you all!! So much more to say but I am not the writer we all know!!
    I started reading the books, waiting from one book to another, years between!! Remember that’ !!!! Then season 1, on to dvd’s hooray!!!!

  8. Great article Courtney! You do a great job separating the wheat from the chaff. If the delay for releasing 7B is due to some rewriting because they got a season 8, then I’m okay with the delay.

    • Hi Joanne, thank you! However, the delay in Season 7B is definitely not due to the writing, as all filming was finished in February of 2023! But, as I mentioned in this article, post production used to take up to two months per episode. So, if that’s still the case, they literally would only have had 8 episodes ready to air by June of 2023, when Part 1 of Season 7 aired, with the next 8 episodes being ready in October of 2024, for a November release. THat’s why they needed to release Season 1 in two parts, because it was 16 episodes and post takes so long. I think I am right on this point, I will try to get validation from someone in the production. But if I am, the math totally works out.

      • Ah. Thanks you. I misunderstood. With that much time needed for post production, I’m sure you are correct.

  9. So glad to see you are feeling well enough to write again…I truly hope your timeline all comes to fruition. I look forward to more insights from you. Sending all good thoughts.

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